The Confidence And Self-Esteem Sisterhood Club:

ALERT: Due to the Popularity and Success of the Sisterhood Club membership, we have limited places available. Don't miss out & be left out in the cold:


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Dear Sister,

Welcome to the best years of your life.

You might be getting this invite because we met at a Sisterhood Network and I believe your mission in life is to become unstoppable, successful and passionate while unleashing your magic into the world. You are important, unique and beautiful. Be part of the unstoppable, positive, ambitious, focused, go getter, passionate and non-judgmental sisters.

However, I don’t think you know how much joining 'The Sisterhood Club' will impact your life.

Click here to accept your invitation.

You are going to be part of a sisterhood much bigger than yourself. You now have sisters who will be there for you through anything. Whether you don’t want to make a shopping trip alone, you need to borrow shoes, or you just went through the worst heartbreak of your life and need someone by your side, your new found sisters will be there.

Some of the wonderful reasons to join the sisterhood:

Diverse membership of unique sisters.
Social programs to meet new sisters, make new friends, catch up and stay connected.
Educational programs to keep your mind sharp.
Community service projects to help others who are less fortunate.
Lunch or high teas – who can miss that yummy food and program always worth seeing!

Come meet our speaker Sister K up close & personal.

Continuation of fun events like Sisters Who Lunch, Sisters in Business, Sisterhood Travel Club, Sisterhood Hair & Make-Up, Sisterhood Exotic Secret Escapes & many more.
Many new and exciting programs thanks to your ideas and energy.

❀Invite your sisters and together we can make a big difference..

I could not be more proud to call you a new member of my sisterhood. I cannot wait to see what great things you do for this chapter, and I cannot wait for you to fall just as in love with this sisterhood as I am.

Click here to accept your invitation.

All my love,

Your Sister in Prosperity & Possibility

Katinda Ndola






Don’t miss out on our next fun and fulfilment adventures.

❀The Dating, Love & Relationship High Tea – Saturday April 29th

Click here for more information

❀The Vagina Warriors Workshop – In May details to be advised

❀Invitation to The Katinda In Conversation Show Podcast – Ongoing.

Click here to accept your invite