√ 5 Copies of Katinda’s book (AUD 35 Retail –which will be donated to people in need)
√ 1 Ticket to Gala Book Launch
√ 1 Copy of The Big Comeback Just For You.
√ Ticket for One-on-One Confidence & Self-Esteem session with the author (Valued AUD 497) TBA - Transferable - You can regift it.
√  10 Copies of Katinda’s book (AUD 35 Retail –which will be donated to people in need)
√ 2 Ticket to Gala Book Launch
√ 1 Copy of The Big Comeback Just For You.
√ Inclusion in Ongoing Social Media Campaigns
√ Tickets for One-on-one fear breakthrough session with the author (Valued AUD 497) TBA
√  20 Copies of Katinda’s book (AUD 35 Retail –which will be donated to people in need)
√ 4 Ticket to Gala Book Launch
√ Inclusion in Ongoing Social Media Campaigns
√ 1 Copy of The Big Comeback Just For You.
√ Ticket for One-on-One Confidence & Self-Esteem session with the author (Valued AUD 497) TBA - Transferable - You can regift it.
√  How many copies of Katinda’s book (AUD 35 Retail –would you like to donate to people in need?)
√ Tickets to Gala Book Launch -TBA
√ 1 Copy of The Big Comeback Just For You.
√ Ticket for One-on-One Confidence & Self-Esteem session with the author (Valued AUD 497) TBA - Transferable - You can regift it.