You asked for it…. Here’s YOUR solution that is easy on the budget!



Mentoring, Coaching and Success Principles

Join Me and a Group of People Just Like You Every Week For 8 Weeks!

  • Receive the targeted mentorship YOU NEED to find your life’s purpose and take control of your life, your usefulness and happiness.
  • Weekly Video Lesson.
  • Weekly Power Action Step.
  • Weekly Mantra.
  • All calls are recorded and designed to add value whether you’re live or not!
  • BONUS - 1 Weekly Q/A Live Session.
  • Join a community of like-minded people.
Sign Me Up!100% Value-Back Guarantee


One of the questions I get all the time is “Can you mentor me?”


It’s a great question to ask because mentoring is a powerful tool that helps people navigate the steps to reach their personal and professional goals. I have yet to meet a successful person that doesn't have at least one mentor - and many people I know have more than one.


Mentors are there to educateencourageinspiremotivate and to be an active part in discovering the solutions you need to make significant advances in bringing your visions to life. But the unfortunate truth is that it's impossible for me to say "yes" to all the requests.


Between my speaking gigs, Katinda In Conversation Podcast Show, coaching, working with young people on Say Yes To Safe Sex and spending quality time with my family, my time is extremely limited. So I wanted to create a solution where I could share some of the powerful lessons I've learned over the years in a way that would allow you to tap into the success concepts and principles that have helped me achieve my goals and greatness.


I sat down with my Confidence & Self-Esteem Strategic Thinking Team and shared 8 powerful success principles with them that have guided me over the years.


Whether you are pursuing new goals in your career, finances, relationships or wellness, you'll be able to take each of these principles and see an immediate correlation to your own situation or circumstance and see how it can make a positive difference for you.



  • *Are you feeling in a rut - going through the motions of your day-to-day life and need a spark of inspiration and motivation?

  • *Are you ready to pursue your gift and passions - but not sure what elements you need to put in place?

  • * Do you feel as if you need some direction to move forward in your career, relationships and life in general?

  • * Is Body Image, Confidence & Self-Esteem a challenge you need to overcome?

  • * Have you tried to figure it all out on your own and now want some real guidance?

  • * Have you been wondering how other accomplished people have gotten where they are and are unstoppable?

  • * Are you willing to do the work necessary to make your vision a reality but not sure what it looks like?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions - I'd love to help you get the solutions you need.


Listen, we were meant to be successful...


Think about it. We have so much potential and truly can accomplish so much when placed in the right circumstances and given the right resources.


The problem is, depending on how you were raised and the people you were surrounded by, your perception of what is possible for you has been limited.


And now, if you’re in the position where you feel like your job, partner or surroundings are actually sucking the life out of you… If you can’t actually see how you will ever be able to live the life you want to be living… this really weighs on us.


This is the most important and crucial period of your life for what you do now and what you decide now at this moment may well determine which way your life shall go.


I want to ask you a question, and that is: What is your life's blueprint?


“Now each of you is in the process of building the structure of your lives, and the question is whether you have a proper, a solid and a sound blueprint.” Martin Luther King


Most of us will not address the reality that we are actually wasting our most valuable resource… our time.


Every day that we work in a job that drains us instead of energizing us, we lose an opportunity to leave our mark on the world.  Every day that we are building someone else’s business instead of building ours, we are securing their future instead of securing our own. Every day  that we are unhappy and full of complains we are losing focus and wasting valuable time instead of taking action and learning how to unleash our magic into the world and live life to the fullest.


This is a dangerous cycle that only ends in us looking back on our lives asking a question none of us ever want to ask…


“What if...?”


This is a question that plagues you with regret.


Let me be clear.


I’m not saying you have to go out and start your own company and be a full-time entrepreneur.


What I am saying is that when you look at the people who don’t ever have to worry about money, who live a purposeful life and give back to society you will find a common theme.


They have a proper, a solid and a sound blueprint!


Most of us come to the realization that finding your life purpose is the foundation of living life to its full potential. This gives our lives meaning.


What if we could live forever? What would that feel? Would you feel secure?


I sure did! Until the moment I heard my father passed away suddenly with no explanation.


It was in that moment that I finally got it!


If you don’t know what your life’s purpose and meaning is you are vulnerable.


Imagine your life 5 years down the road…


You read this, and chose not to make a change.


Suddenly, you fall terminally ill and you start to regret not living a purposeful life!


How would you feel in that moment knowing you had the opportunity to make a change, and you chose not to?


There’s only one way to truly take control of your life, and that is to start designing your life’s purpose / blueprint.




I don’t pretend to be some guru. I’m not.


I’m just like you.


The difference is, the moment I realized the hard truth I just shared with you


I took action! As a result…


I was able to undergo my personal discovery journey and unlocked what was holding me back.


Let me be clear, my goal was not only to discover what was holding me back. My goal was to find my life purpose, usefulness and blueprint.


This is the opportunity before you right now.


It took me countless failures and investing over $20,000 to learn the skills I had to learn to make this my reality.


But once I did, I was able to rediscover myself and live everyday with purpose. I was finally waking up feeling like I was trading my life for something of value. I had a deep belief in my own dignity and felt my self worth and also that my life had significance.


I have documented this journey and shared the private conversations with the mentors who have helped me unleash my magic into the world.


What I’m really saying is……


If you are looking to take control of your life, there is A LOT I can teach you, which is why my mentees point blank asked me to create a simple, but extremely valuable mentoring community…


A community where you can receive direct mentorship from me and my team, actually make connections with the people you need in your life, all without having to invest $20,000 like I did.


Now I’m not going to sit here and try to convince you why you should join this community, because by now you know this is a really easy decision to make without any risk at all on your part. (If I had to sell you, you probably are not the right person for this community anyway).

So I’m Just Going To Tell You What You’ll Get,

And What To Do Next…


I'm inviting you to go on a journey with me. Over the 8 weeks,  you'll gain fresh insight into your current situation and circumstances and by applying what you learn, you will see positive changes as you work on your aspirations and goals. And I'll be with you every step of the way.

This private mastermind is filled with people who are serious about finding their life purpose and personal discovery.

And they recognize that the fastest way to find meaning and purpose in life is to be a part of a community that supports them and gives access to the mentors who can show them exactly what to do.


(I’m sure you’ll agree this is way better than trying to figure it out on your own... cheaper too).

You could find the accountability partner you need, build strong friendships or even meet a future business partner.


All of this is just the tip of the iceberg…


Your 8 Week Mentor Moments Video Course Includes:

Weekly Video Lesson: I share my thoughts, insights and stories on a specific success  concept.

Weekly Power Action Step: Take one action each week that moves you closer to your goals and greatness.

Weekly Live Q/A. Your questions will be answered in the live session.

Weekly Mantra: A reminder affirmation for you to use throughout the week.


Will You Be Accepted?

If you’re still reading this by now, then you are likely the right kind of person and we would love to speak with you for 30 minutes and start your finding your purpose journey.


All you need to do is click the button below and join the Mentor Moments Online Course and as a bonus for taking your life to the next level we are giving you a Free 30 Minutes Strategy Call Session Valued @ $147.

 Here are the success concepts we'll explore together.




Week 1. Identity - Who Am I?


Week 2. Purpose - Finding Your Life Purpose.


Week 3. Fear - What Is Holding You Back?


Week 4. Goals -  Setting & Achieving Goals.


Week 5.  Confidence & Self-Esteem -  Self-love relationship with self.


Week 6. Love - Dating, Relationships & Sex.


Week 7. Gratitude - What are you grateful for.


Week 8. Legacy - How are we experiencing your greatness?



During our time together, you'll learn:

  • * Why it is important to discover who you are and how to do it.

  • * How to add love, joy and fulfilment to your daily living.

  • * How to find your life purpose and why it is important to get clarity.

  • * What to do when you experience setbacks, challenges and failures.

  • * Why gratitude is vital to your everyday existence.

  • * What the world gets when you shine your greatness.

We want high-level people who are committed to not only making improvements in their life, but in the lives of those around them.


If this is you, then you belong in the Mentor Moments Online Course!


Now, you’re probably wondering what the price is…


Much, much less than you think...


Like I mentioned before, my goal is to form a thriving community of people who are willing to contribute to one another and grow together.


I could make this a big ticket mastermind, but that would not serve my higher goal of making an impact.


And because I know the kind of changes you can make in such a short period of time, I want to make this as accessible as possible…


This is why Mentor Moments  Online Course is a special introductory investment of only $97 for 8 weeks.


Yup, just $97 for 8 weeks!


I told you it was much, much less than you would have thought 🙂


Oh yea, I forgot to mention…


All Of The Risk Is On Me...

It's easy to get started. The mentoring program is delivered to you online, which means you can access it from anywhere on any device. Join the Mentor Moments program and start to give your life a meaning today.

And If what you learn doesn’t exceed your expectations in any way, just contact us in the first 14 days  at and we will give you a 100% refund. No questions asked.

In other words, there’s no reason you shouldn’t join.

Yes! I want access to the ProgramSuccess is the only option

100% Value - Back Guarantee!

Your purchase will be processed through our secure and encrypted account with Paypal.

Within the next few minutes, you’ll get an email from to book your FREE Finding Your Life Purpose 30 minutes strategy call that will serve as a great foundation.

Remember, we are looking for people who are action takers and are willing to unleash their magic into the world and support others.

If you’re ready to take control of your life and start finding your life purpose, just click here to join now and I’ll help you make that happen…


Within just 2 weeks of joining the Mentor Moments progam, I was already seeing results! I've wanted to start a blog for some time, but lacked the support and courage to do so. As soon as I joined I received positive, encouraging, inspiring feedback from Katinda and other members that was the fuel to my fire that  I needed to commit and get my blog started! Just 2 weeks later, my blog was officially LIVE! I know for sure, I would have never taken the necessary steps to publishing my blog without the support from the Mentor Moments program.

Christina P.

2 days after joining the Mentor Moments Program, I got inspired to start writing my book. I have always held back because I didn't know where to start. The empowerment, motivation and inspiration I got from Katinda was outstanding.

Cynthia M.

I don't know if I can articulate how much of an impact Mentor Moments program has made in my life already. After being introduced to this mastermind, I have been surrounding myself with some amazing people, expanding my mind and vision in ways I couldn't even fathom. The mentorship I've received helped me overcome my fears especially the fear of failure and not being good enough. Thanks Katinda!

Kylie S.

The value I have received from Mentor Moments is worth MUCH MUCH more than the minimal investment. If you are looking for mentorship from some really down to earth people who do not judge you and you would not have access to otherwise, and want to be a part of a great community, look no further!

Simone B.

I couldn't believe my luck when I saw this online program. The Free 30 minutes strategy call blew my mind. Many mentoring and coaching programs cost hundreds, even thousands, of dollars. Thanks Katinda for giving me the opportunity to discover myself, I am forever grateful you opened my eyes to a world I didn't know existed. I am in love with the new me.

Chris T.

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