Conversations With Katinda Live - CWK Show




Dear Brother/Sister,

2018 is nearly over and it's time to take action and get amazing breakthroughs in our lives. I have a Livestream/Podcast Show where I interview real people on real life issues, life changing truths and stories in the real world unplugged and unleashed.

I believe you have a wealth of life experiences and your story is truly a valuable asset. I would like to invite you to be featured as a honorable guest on my Live Show series ‘Conversations With Katinda, because your life experiences are priceless and  unique.

I would love you to be part of a group debate and hear more about your story.

This Live Show specifically focuses on the journey of soul-awakening. The process where we begin to ‘wake up’ and start questioning who we are and what we are here for. We begin to unravel from habits, human programming and societal systems and structures that no longer serve us and come back to the truth of who we really are.

The debate will take 45 minutes via  Skype group video call.

If you accept, we will be humbled, as your story will inspire everyone it touches, and here at  Conversations With Katinda, we are expecting to touch millions.

Enter your details below to accept your invitation.

Thank you so much for your consideration.

Katinda Ndola 

Founder & Host

Conversations With Katinda Live - CWK Show



Enter Your Details To Accept Your Invitation.

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